Some sequencing humour

George Mayhew mayhew at midgaard.genetics.wisc.edu
Wed Apr 29 08:14:42 EST 1998

Note: This is a humour post.  If you do not feel this is appropriate, I'm
sorry.  Let the moderator decide. :-)

One truth in life is the need to laugh at difficult situations.  Humour
can make a difficult task more enjoyable.  I think that this group is
uniquely suited to understand the repetitious nature of high throughput
sequencing.  So I'm passing along a piece of humour constructed by one of
our lab technicians.  Feel free to pass it along to your technicians or
anyone else who might appreciate the inside humour. 

(with sincere apologies to the musical group Chumbawumba)


        (to the tune of "Tubthumping" by Chumbawamba)

I take gels down, and put 'em up again,
        and I run 'em for another round.
I take gels down, and put 'em up again,
        and I run 'em for another round.

Sequencing DNA, sequencing DNA.

We wash the plates again, we pour the gels again,
        we wash the gels again, we flip the combs again,

Then we retrack and extract all the gel files,
        then we analyze and dump all the sample files.

No life for me, life for me, life for meeee....

I take gels down, and put 'em up again,
        and I run 'em for another round.
I take gels down, and put 'em up again,
        and I run 'em for another round.

Adapted by:
Guy Peyrot
E.coli Genome Center
gpeyrot at genetics.wisc.edu

George F. Mayhew
University of Wisconsin - Madison, Laboratory of Genetics,
College of Agricultural and Life Sciences and the Medical School
445 Henry Mall, Madison, WI 53706
Phone: 608-262-2534
Fax:   608-263-7459
Email: mayhew at genetics.wisc.edu
URL:   http://www.genetics.wisc.edu/staff/mayhew/

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