Amersham Loading Dye

Dr Marc Woodland m.p.woodland at ic.ac.uk
Thu Apr 23 13:01:39 EST 1998

When  I  used  the  trial  Amersham  Thermosequenase  kit  one  thing  I
really  liked  was  the pink formamide  loading  dye -  pity  the   kit  is
not   as  good  as  the  BigDye  Terminator - however - does  anyone  know
what  the  formulation  is  ?   Is  it  available  on  its  own  ?  I
loathe  weighing  up  Blue  Dextran ------ and  the  colour  is  nicer  too



M.P. Woodland Ph.D.
DNA  Sequencing  Core  Facility  Manager,
Dept. Of  Biochenistry,
Imperial  College  of  Science, Technology &  Medicine,
Exhibition  Road,
South  Kensington,
London  SW7 2AY.

Phone  (44)  0171 595 5307 (direct)
EMail  m.p.woodland at ic.ac.uk
URL    http://www.ulirs.ic.ac.uk/resources/ic_bc_01.html

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