Dear Newsgroupers ,
I recieved the email below from John Augliera today which contained a
picture I have placed the file on the FTP site , details following the
message .
Subject: Red Haze
Sent: 9/9/97 11:02 AM
Received: 9/9/97 9:10 AM
From: john augliera, auggie at MIT.EDU
To: autoseq at
Running an ABI 377 autosequencer, have been seeing a red background haze.
Any comments would be greatly appreciated.
John Augliera
FTP Site details:
login name:anonymous
password:your at email.address
filename: RedHaze
The files are screen shots and will open with simpletext . If you have
any problems getting the files or would like to offer a US mirror site
please contact me directly .
Sincerely ,
David Cain