Dear Newsgroupers ,
I recieved the email below from Colette Rossier today which contained two
pictures attatched , in fairness to those of you who use newsreaders I
have placed the files on the FTP site , details following the message .
Dr Colette Rossier Ph
(+41 22) 702 5540
Divsion of Medical Genetics Fax (+41
22) 702 5706
Department of Genetics and Microbiology
1 Rue Michel Servet
1211 Geneva 4
Switzerland Email:
Colette.Rossier at
Could you tell me what is happening with these gels ?
If anybody has an idea he is welcome.
For one month I am struggling with that and ABI support seems not to
have found the problems.
FTP Site details:
login name:anonymous
password:your at email.address
filenames: Gel P3 28.8.97 and Picture 1
The files are screen shots and will open with simpletext . If you have
any problems getting the files or would like to offer a US mirror site
please contact me directly .
Sincerely ,
David Cain