377 Data Collection V 2.0

Malcolm Macaulay mmacau at scri.sari.ac.uk
Wed Oct 29 07:16:51 EST 1997

we are having problems when trying to start data collection during
sequencing runs. 

After loading the gel, applying the sample sheet, pressing the 'run'
button and going through all the prompts of saving the gel file we get
a message from the Mac telling us the run could not start as the tag
could not be found. This refers to the matrix file.

To remedy this we drag the offending matrix file onto the desktop from
the ABI folder, go back into the collection software, press the run
button again and everything starts OK.

After collection is finished, we track the gel, save it, put the
matrix file back into the ABI folder, re-start the Mac and re-build
the desktop. We then extract the lanes and the matrix is applied.

Can anyone suggest any remedies for this problem because ABI don't
seem to know what's happening. This only happens with matrices for
normal taq fs dye terminator sequencing. Matrices for dRhodamine dye
terminator sequencing and Genescan are applied automatically at the
appropriate time.

Sorry for the long explanation.

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