Finishers Position at HGMP-UK

Mr. M.R.M. Botcherby mrbotche at hgmp.mrc.ac.uk
Fri Oct 24 05:46:23 EST 1997

Set in 55 acres of landscaped parkland,the UK-HGMP Resource Centre in
Hinxton Cambridge provides specialist resources and services for
scientists engaged in genome mapping and gene isolation studies.

A SCIENTIFIC OFFICER position as a finisher is available in the
Comparative Sequencing Group.  The Mouse Sequencing Project aims to
sequence 3 Mb of mouse X (Ids-Dmd). It is a joint project with the Mouse
Genome Centre (Harwell), with the sequencing and initial analysis
performed at the HGMP and the mapping and comparative analysis carried
out at MGC. The successful candidate will be responsible for assembling
and finishing the raw sequence into genomic sequence of 99.99% acuracy.=20
This will comprise mostly of computing work along with some laboratory
experiments.  Affinity with computers in a network environment is
essential, as is the ability to work accurately under pressure.=20
Knowledge of UNIX and assembly programmes would be an advantage but not
essential as full training will be given.  Salary will be in the range
of =A312000 to =A324,800 per annum depending on qualifications and previous
experience.  (Quote ref: HGMP/Seq/5)

An optional MRC Pension Scheme is available to the successful candidate.

Applications in writing, including full C.V. with the names and
addresses of two professional referees, should be sent by 5 November to:

=09Mrs Sheila Jenkins
=09MRC Centre
=09Hills Road
=09CB2 2QH

The Medical Research Council is an Equal Opportunities Employer.

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