LiCors and PAGE PLUS Acrylamide?

Phillip San Miguel pmiguel at bilbo.bio.purdue.edu
Thu Nov 13 06:34:21 EST 1997

The LiCor researchers use Long Ranger or another product (Sequagel?).  They
said they tried Page Plus a long time ago and it wasn't as good as Long
Ranger.  Maybe the product has changed.  Also it may be that the benefits of
Page Plus only kick in at concentrations of  5% or higher.  When I tried to
drop below 5% my reads got worse.  Another possiblility is that there is some
specific synergy going on between the Page Plus and the Alfx software that
doesn't happen on other machines.  But I saw an obvious increase in resolution
with Page Plus -- long runs of bases in the 200's were somewhat resolved (you
could see the tips of the peaks) where this never happened with Long Ranger.

Phillip San Miguel
Bennetzen lab
Purdue University

Michelle Gleeson wrote:

> Hi,
> I just saw a post mentioning use of Amresco`s PAGE PLUS acrylamide as an
> alternative to Long Ranger, on ALF machines.  Has anyone out there tried
> this on a LiCor 4000 series (66cm plates)?
> Michelle Gleeson
> Molecular Parasitology Unit              Ph: (02) 9514 4043
> University of Technology                 Fax:(02) 9514 4003
> Westbourne St Gore Hill, NSW 2065        michelle.gleeson at uts.edu.au
> When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on - FDR

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