
Stuart Bayliss sb64 at leicester.ac.uk
Wed Nov 12 12:31:13 EST 1997

Dear Group, 

Just a few quick questions. 

1.  If anybody has a quick and cheap method for purifying sequence reactions (ABI BigDye 
terminator) in 96 well plates (or strips of 8), please let
me know (I have a Qiagen BioRobot for the liquid handling aspect).  I'm doing hundreds per week 
and doing it by hand is v boring!  There may
have been some traffic about this already (missed it, sorry!), so could someone repost the 

2.  Has anybody tried the BigDyes at 5ul volume yet?  If so, how did it go?  What reads are 
people getting from these dyes - better than dRhodamine
(quality rather than quantity)?  I've only done a few reactions so far so couldn't possibly 

3.  I'm setting up a trouble-shooting section on my lab web page (address below!!), it's for both 
users of my own facility (who only get to see
analysed data) and for more experienced users in the sequencing field (who get to see horrible 
gels, warts and all)...if anyone has any
suggestions/tips or whatever please let me know (email me direct to save clogging up the 

Stuart Bayliss,
Automated DNA Sequencing Specialist,
Hodgkin Building,
University of Leicester,
Lancaster Road,
Leicester.  UK.
LE1 9HN.

Phone: 0116 252 5613
Fax:   0116 252 5616

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