Truncated sequences

A. A.
Tue Mar 25 16:03:35 EST 1997

AgnesTay wrote:
: >        We are using an ABI 373A sequencer and for the last two runs, 
: >150 bases of sequences were collected for every sample. The gel image
: >looks fine - all the bands can be clearly seen - but is "shortened" 
: >that when you scroll to the top, you can see sharp clear bands typical 
: >those for less than 200 bases of sequences.
: >
: >        There is no error message and according to the log, the run 
: >the full 14 hours. Perkin-Elmer suggested that we optimise the desktop
: >and we have done that (in fact we do that every month) to no avail.
: >
: >        Please advise.

This happened to me, turned out that the votls had dropped for some 
reason, doesn't sound like that here, though.  Have you checked that it 
a problem with the sample preps?


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