DNA seq Anal V.3.0

Bruce Bruce
Mon Mar 17 17:36:10 EST 1997

Hi Hal, et al.,
	We've not really encountered this but will keep an eye out
for it.  I do have a favor and that has to do with ABI's Copy-Protection
	We do a preliminary analysis on the Power Macs that collect the
data but then move the files to one of 4 external Power Macs for 
and re-analysis.  Those wonderful folks at ABI are requiring that we order
4 more copies of the analysis programs so we can run them on our external
Power Macs.  Anyone want to trade some "keys".  I only need 4 of them and
this really ticks me off after spending big bucks on these upgrades just
for copies to do the analysis on external PM's

 You write: 
=> Date: Mon, 17 Mar 1997 10:29:25 -0800
=> From: Harold.G.Hills at net.bio.net, hhills at iastate.edu
=> Subject: DNA seq Anal V.3.0
=> Hi,
=> At least twice we have encountered a glitch in the 3.0 software.  When
=> dragging lanes that were to the left or right of the gel image and 
=> them over lanes that had no tracking lines, the software has failed to
=> renumber the lanes in the proper order.   One gel got reanalyzed with 
=> lanes number 01,02,10,11,12,13,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,14,15,16,etc.
=> Fortunately the samples belonged all to one person and a third 
analysis of
=> the gel with the lanes numbered in the correct order produced the 
=> "correct"
=> results.  We were fortunate that the gel file had not been thrown away 
=> the time the researcher called to complain that his data did not make
=> sense.  On the other occassion the faulty numbering was caught before 
=> lanes were retracted.
=> Have other people encountered this problem and what was the solution?
=> Hal
=> Harold G. Hills, Ph.D. DNA Sequencing Specialist	515 294-9585
=> 1184 Molecular Biology Building			    FAX 515 294-1597
=> Iowa State University
=> Ames, IA 50011-3260				  hhills at iastate.edu
=> http://biotech.zool.iastate.edu/Biotech/Facilities/DSSF/homepage.html

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