XL upgrades

David David
Mon Mar 17 13:29:43 EST 1997

In article <5g6ksq$qmj at net.bio.net> andy  davies, daviesam at icrf.icnet.uk
>Subject: XL upgrades
>From: andy  davies, daviesam at icrf.icnet.uk
>Date: 12 Mar 1997 08:16:26 -0800
>>does anyone have any comments?
>How well does it track ?
>how difficult is it to load?
>we're looking into an upgrade at the momment and was wondering if any 
>had experienced any major problems or bugs?
>cheers  andy
We have installed an XL upgrade on our 377.  We typically load either 36
or 48 lanes and have had no problems loading either configuration.  

Unfortunately, I cant say the same for the tracking.  As long as every
lane contains data, the tracking problems are usually minimal.  However,
if one or more lanes has no sequence data or very little data, tracking
can become a nightmare.  The tracking lines are there, but they are
evenly spaced and have not tracked a single bit of data.  We either have
to manually retrack all the lanes or go back to the sample sheet,
determine which lanes have no data, tell the computer that these lanes
contain no sample, autotrack and hope for the best. 

Good luck,

Director, Molecular Genetics Core Facility
Microbiology and Molecular Genetics
UT-Houston Medical School

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