GS software problems

Agnes Agnes
Thu Jul 3 10:39:57 EST 1997

>Date: Thu, 3 Jul 1997 17:10:17 +0500
>To:"daileydn" <DaileyDN at perkin-elmer.com>
>From:mcbtayhn at nus.sg (Agnes Tay)
>Subject:GS software problems
>We have the following problems with GS v 1.02b5 on ABI310.
>1. 2 weeks ago Norton utilities installed showed "bitmap incorrect". Runs
>ok so we ignored message
>2. On Monday we could not get ABI to communicate with Mac. Called ABI
>staff, couldn't locate problem
>3. Tuesday--re-loaded GS collection software, still getting "bitmap
>incorrect" so trashed Norton utilities. Communication restored
>4. ABI running ok Wed and Thur. On Thur when creating new sample sheet
>found that the colors are off. Where there shld be blue square for FAM
>it's a weird green and there are strange "computer symbols" in the square
>(looks like the sort of garbage you get when you have a file you can't
>open) ditto for all colors ie brown instead of green, yellow, red.
>But can still run samples.
>ABI people here have no clue what's wrong but we all agree there must be a
>software problem.
>Please help!
>Agnes Tay

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