HELP:CAS & CLIP DNA sequencing

Jean-Michel Jean-Michel
Thu Jan 30 14:22:30 EST 1997

>Could ya'll point me in the right direction? I'm looking for 
>descriptions/references for CAS & CLIP DNA sequencing.
>All that I've been able to determine is that CAS is "Coupled 
>Amplification & Sequencing". Both methods are supposed to simplify 
>diagnostic sequencing.

CAS and CLIP are similar technologies: they involve adding a reverse
primer in a sequencing reaction in order to create new complete fragment
of the oposite strand at the same time that you create your sequence

The difference between CAS and CLIP are the following:
CAS involves some PCR step (using TAQ) followed by the incorporation of
ddNTPS in the tube and additional cycles.

CLIP is a cycle sequencing reaction (no PCR step) where a reverse primer
is present in the mix.  CLIP is also done with ThermoSequenase instead
of TAQ.

Patent and patent pending applications on these technologies are held by
Visible Genetics Inc.
|                                                              |
| Jean-Michel Lacroix, Ph.D., Project Manager - Inf. Diseases  |
| Visible Genetics Inc.                              _________ |
| 700 Bay Street, Suite 1000                         |       | |
| Toronto, Ontario  M5G 1Z6 CANADA                   |      /| |
| Tel: (416) 813-3260 ext: 4483                      ---   / | |
| Fax: (416) 813-3250                  ////          |  \ /  | |
|                                     (o o)          |   /   | |
| E-Mail: lacroix at visgen.com     _ooOo_( )_oOoo_     |__/____| |
|                                                              |
| Home Page: http://www.io.org/~lacroix                        |
| Author of the application GEL to calculate DNA fragment size |
| Assistant Professor, Dept. of Surgery, Univ. of Toronto      |

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