ABRF DNA sequence tutorial

Harold Harold
Thu Jan 23 12:34:49 EST 1997


I have had several comments about "what tutorial" from a previous posting 
made.  At the ABRF meeting in Baltimore on Feb 9th there will be a DNA
sequencing tutorial.  As the coordinator, I am trying to get an idea of
what problems people are having and how we can help you the sequencer.

Do you have some questions you want addressed?

Send them directly to me to get them on the agenda.  Do not post them to
ABRF and clutter everyone's mailbox.  We want to have some idea as to what
level to make this tutorial.


Harold G. Hills, Ph.D. DNA Sequencing Specialist	515 294-9585
1184 Molecular Biology Building			    FAX 515 294-1597
Iowa State University
Ames, IA 50011-3260				  hhills at iastate.edu

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