Seeking insites for Biomek class

Martha Martha
Fri Jan 17 17:02:24 EST 1997

Hello Biomek Users Group,

I am developing a class on using the Biomek with an emphasis
on Bioscripts and using Tcl commands.  We will teach the class over a 
period with slides, student handouts and a resource guide on Tcl.

I am looking for insights and personal experiences that I can include
in the class. Can any of you tell me success stories, problem areas or 
unique uses that I could share with the class?  Tell me about your Biomek
and what you use it for.

I am a technical writer for a computer consulting company in the
New Orleans area. 

Thank you for your help.

* Martha C. Nold                         | Voice:  +1 (504)-889-2784      
* Computerized Processes Unlimited, Inc. | FAX:    +1 (504)-889-2799      
* 4200 S. I-10 Service Rd., Suite 205    | E-Mail:    mcnold at cpu.com      
* Metairie, LA 70001                     | Web:    http://www.cpu.com     

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