Loss of T signal

Graham Graham
Thu Jan 9 12:26:17 EST 1997

Hi Everyone
									I seem to have lost all my T's!

The first run after Christmas and a beautiful black background should 
have made me suspicious. 
						The gel image looked good.  But the base called trace did not 
have any T's in it.  This was ABI's template and primer.  When I 
looked for the signal strength the T signal was just about the same as 
the others.  Some say they were a little too high,  between 500 and 

							Someone else in the lab has just run another set of samples and 
again there does not seem to be any T's called?

						The number on the side of the tube of dye terminator mix is 
361405010,  this does not seem to be the same as the lot number on the 
side of the box though?

					We are trying again with different batches of dye terminators.  
We are useing 36 cm plates with Anachem's pre mixed gel (that we have 
frozen) along with Anachem's pre mixed 5x TBE.  The machine is a 377 
that we've had since September 1996.

						Can anyone tell me I'm not alone with this problem,  and whats 
more does anyone know how to make it go away?  Even better does anyone 
know what has caused this to (apparenlty) happen so suddenly.  Things 
were going fine (well comparatively) before Christmas.

									Graham Watson

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