Has anyone cut their own ABI plates?

Carol Carol
Thu Aug 28 13:07:54 EST 1997


We have had several plates cut at our local glass shop, both ABI plates 
borosilicate plates that we purchased  (half the price) from Sooner
Scientific (www.soonersci.com; 405-286-9408).  They could not use their
usual plate cutting tools and had to use a table saw.  I impressed upon
them that the plates must be kept scratch-free, so they were very careful
with them.  The cut edge was just a bit ragged, but they smoothed it and
the plate edges don't matter anyway.  We even had them cut out notches for
the lower edge of 377-type plates.  Go for it.


>Hello, I am interested in having a plate glass shop cut some plates for
>our 373 (or a 377), rather than paying the outrageous prices that ABI
>charges for sequencing plates.  Has anybody tried this?  Are ABI
>sequencing plates made from a special type of glass? Borosilicate
>                Thanks for your time.
>....  James Akowski                    e-mail akowski at anl. gov    ..
>...   Center for Mechanistic Biology                             ...
>..    Argonne National Laboratory      phone  (630)252-3806     ....
>.     Argonne, IL  60439               FAX    (630)252-1868    .....
>Hi! I'm a .sig virus, v.3G2 Please append me to your .signature file!

Carol Bayles                                                    
Flow Cytometry and Imaging Facility      607-254-4847  fax
Biotechnology Resource Center                 cjb4 at cornell.edu
160 Biotech Bldg
Cornell University
Ithaca NY 14850

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