AbiPrism 377 sequencing problems

Daniel.Marc Daniel.Marc
Wed Aug 27 08:40:39 EST 1997

Jens Dieterich ("dieteric", at paju.oulu.fi) wrote:
: The samples seem not to run properly in the gel any more. Lanes might
: cross during the run, parts seem to be compressed others are stretched 
: in the same lane in the same gel. Basecalling becomes very inconvenient
: this way and even the different extractions don't give reliable results.

Could these problems be due to a defect in one of the two electrodes?
In my opinion, they seem to be strictly an electrophoresis problem, as 
can be 
encountered in agarose gel electrophoresis when one or both electrodes
must be replaced.

Daniel MARC
INRA - Centre de TOURS
37380 Nouzilly France
marc at tours.inra.fr

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