At 16:35 04/25/97, Harold G. Hills wrote:
>Has any one tried using the drhodamine terminator cycle sequencing ready
>reaction kit. "The new dyes" Our first experiences have not been too
>good. We have checked and rechecked the collection software to make sure
>the correct mobility file is used and the correct matrix file is used and
>we have not gotten good results.
>>Anyone else tried them? How have your results turned out.
>>Any secrets to pass along?
>>>>Harold G. Hills, Ph.D. DNA Sequencing Specialist 515 294-9585
>1184 Molecular Biology Building FAX 515 294-1597
>Iowa State University
>Ames, IA 50011-3260 hhills at>
I attended the ABI roadshow last week and the dichlororhodamine
dyes sounded good and I will try them ASAP - but in what
way have you had problems ? Are you using them on a 377 or the
? Could you do me a favour and let me know what to look out for
Marc Woodland