DNA prep and chemistry robotics

TNelson1 at aol.com TNelson1 at aol.com
Fri Apr 25 08:51:28 EST 1997


I am setting up a high thoughput DNA sequencing lab and was considering 
robotics for the DNA preparation and sequencing reaction chemistry.  We 
currently looking into the Qiagen robots for DNA preparation and the PE 
877 integrated thermal cycler for the sequencing chemistry set up.  Does
anyone have experience with these machines ?  Are they good for what I 
described as my needs ?  What other options are there for DNA prep robots 
sequencing chemistry robots ?  Is there a single machine that can do it 
all ?
 Any help would be greatly appreciated, and I will post a summary of the
results later.  You can send me the response at nelson_t at bms.com, or post 
as a response on the newsgroup. 


Tom Nelson
Bristol-Myers Squibb PRI
Applied Genomics and Bioinformatics Department
nelson_t at bms.com

Tom's opinions are only his and not his employer's ;-)

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