Various questions

Dr. Dr.
Wed Apr 23 09:46:51 EST 1997

In article <5jil9r$gnc at net.bio.net>, Dr Marc Woodland
<?.p.woodland at ic.ac.uk> writes
>(2) A  second  question  which  I  am  sure  someone  knows  the  answer
>to  what  is  that  tasteful  pink  dye  in  the  Amersham  loading
>buffer.  Such  a  different  attitude - Amersham  include  a  loading
>buffer  and  Am  acetate  in  their  new  kits  which  are  also  cheaper.

I think it is methyl violet.

The problem with being on the cutting edge is that you occasionally get 
sliced from time to time....

Duncan Clark
DNAmp Ltd.
TEl/FAX 01252376288

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