Important Information

David David
Tue Apr 15 17:18:10 EST 1997

Dear Newsgroupers , 

I am not sure if the newsgroup will be running for the next week ( til 
23rd April ) as I am going away for a few days and have not been able to 
confirm another moderator .

It is possible that one of the moderators will read this and spring into 
action , if they do , thanks . However if they dont I am sorry for the 
inconvenience and I will catch up on the back mailings as soon as I can ( 
ie the day that I get back into town ) . 

I hope this is not too much hassle but I will be thinking of you all when 
I walk down Burbon street on saturday night . 

Yours Sequencingly , 

David Cain 

PS New Orleans here we come !!!

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