Sequencher/ AutoAssemble comparison

Olav Olav
Mon Apr 14 11:05:15 EST 1997

I'd like to know what you consider to be the pros and cons of 
ABI/Perkin-Elmer's AutoAssembler compared to Sequencher, which seems to 
score so highly in this forum. 

We've got demos of both programs, and they seem to do more or less the 
same job.

Our raw data come mainly from an ABI 310.

av Hungnes                                   olavhung at idgonline.no
Natl.Inst.of Public Health, Dept.of Virology   ohungnes at embnet.uio.no
P.O.Box 4404 Torshov,                          phone: (+47)22 04 25 20
N-0403 OSLO, NORWAY                            FAX:   (+47)22 04 24 47

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