Position in Penn sequencing facility

Vahe Vahe
Tue Apr 8 15:27:33 EST 1997

We have an immediate opening for a Research Specialist Jr. or I in the DNA
Sequencing Facility at the University of Pennsylvania, Department of

The position is for a mix of basic molecular biology and involvement in
larger projects. Specific duties include template preps, cloning, PCR,
library screens, sequence analysis and database searches, and developing
new techniques. The candidate must have B.S. in Biology or related field
for Res. Spec. Jr., B.S. plus 1-2 years of experience for Res. Spec. I.
Experience in molecular biology, familiarity with computer systems and
networks, good communication skills, and a positive attitude towards
working in a core lab in a facilitator role are qualities we are looking

If interested, please forward your resume by email or fax to 215-573-9327.
Call 215-573-7407 if you have questions.

Vahe Bedian

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