postdoc available: Non-messenger RNAs in genome projects

Juergen Brosius brosius at uni-muenster.de
Fri Oct 11 16:03:35 EST 1996

Looking for a postdoc;  project funded (initially 3 years) by the German
Human Genome Project; salary scale BATIIa

who is willing to join an international group of *Molecular Bums*:  we
look in other genome researcher's garbage for interesting molecules -
small non-messenger RNAs.  ESTs, useful in various genome studies are
generally made from poly(A)+ mRNA.  The rest is discarded.  However,
genomes do not only encode protein genes and the obvious rRNA and tRNA
genes, but also a number of largely unknown small functional RNA
Our approach begins with establishing special cDNA libraries starting from
small RNA fractions.  Known RNAs are excluded by fingerprinting and
potentially novel cDNAs are automatically sequenced.  Clones are further
analysed by RNA blots (e.g. for tissue specificity and/or developmental
regulation) and via biocomputing e.g. to establish phylogenetic
relationships with other RNAs.

The candidate should have experience in the relevant Molecular Biology
techniques, abilities to organize a small group (initially a technician)
as well as the accumulating data.

Please contact me for further information via e-mail
(RNA.world at uni-muenster) or telephone (+49  251  83 85 11)

                                          usual disclaimers
Juergen Brosius
Inst. f. eXp. Pathol.
University of Muenster
Von-Esmarch-Str. 56
D-48149 Muenster, Germany

Fax: +49  251  83 85 12
Tel: +59  251  83 85 11

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