Color Printers for Seq

Mary Mary
Mon Oct 7 18:03:53 EST 1996

We find ourselves in need of a new color printer for support of the
automated DNA sequencing, and are wondering if anyone has tried the new
Tektronix Phaser 350, or the slightly older 340.  PE-ABI says it needs to
have PostScript language for the software, and the Tek 350 does.  We had
used a HP1200/PS DeskJet for the last 18 months, and are wondering what
some of the new technology is like.   Our main concerns are reliability,
throughput, and operating costs.

 Thanks in advance for any input.

Mary Kay Dolejsi, Ph.D.
marykay at fred.fhcrc.org
phone: 206-667-4470
fax: 206-667-6497

Mail address:
Biotech Lab A1-162
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
1124 Columbia St.
Seattle, WA 98104

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