green haze

Susan A. Baumes sb328 at columbia.edu
Fri May 31 23:14:32 EST 1996

We're running a ABI 373.  We use SequaGel-6 for our gels.  Periodically,
we have a problem with green haze running in front of the samples.  We
tried stripping plates, new gel solution (including new lot #), making our
own gel, using  and not using alcohol to dry the plates, new running
buffer, soaking casting comb and comb.  I think that's about it and
not one thing from the above seems to be the culprit.  Any ideas,
suggestions.  I should note that the haze is NOT sample or lane specific.
We have had haze where there has been no samples.  ABI has no suggestions.

Thanks in advance

Susan A Baumes 
sb328 at columbia.edu 

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