oozing gels

Karl Voss Karl.Voss at UAlberta.CA
Fri May 24 18:43:09 EST 1996

Hi sequencers.

I don't use abi sequencers but do have a fair ammount of experience with 
polyacrylamide.  I have one question?  Do those of you who see oozing gel
have the ooze always into the top buffer chamber or bottom buffer chamber 
or have you seen evidence of both.  I would be interested to know just for
my own curiosity.  If you can let me know what you see I would appreciate it




Karl Voss
Department of Chemistry
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
T6G 2G2

karl at hobbes.chem.ualberta.ca
phone 403-492-0222
fax   403-492-8231

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