Call for ideas on a FAQ

Mr. D.J. Cain dcain at hgmp.mrc.ac.uk
Thu May 16 04:51:19 EST 1996

Dear sequencers , 

I was asked about writting a Frequently asked questions section for the 
newsgroup the other day and wanted to canvas some opinion . The idea was 
suggested by Ian Ridges ( ir at nhm.ac.uk ) who is also willing to help 
compile it . I have a record of all the messages sent to group but would 
aslo be intrested in any general hints and tips . If you have any ideas 
please email them to myself ( dcain at hgmp.mrc.ac.uk ) and Ian . 
I am aslo winding uo the mailbase site at the moment so if you get a 
de-subscription message dont worry , it only relates to the old site i 
had all the members subscribed to biosci before the transfer . 
I hope all is well , 

David Cain
List Owner 
Lark Technologies, Inc 

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