National Diagnostics Sequagel

JENNY CASSADY cassady at biosci.uq.edu.au
Wed May 1 03:51:03 EST 1996

Hi Ken,

We've been using National Diagnostics Sequagel 6 for ~2 years. We run 
3 Perkin Elmer 373 sequencers ( no stretch upgrade ) in a core 
facility. At the beginning we had problems with high background 
fluoresence, but that was a particular batch. We keep a record of 
batch numbers and only use the 500ml bottles so we finish them 
quickly. Since the first batch we've had good results with Sequagel.  
The background is slightly higher than "hand-made" gels but the 
sequencing software seems to subtract this successfully even on low 
signal samples. We always run quality control sequenced DNA. We use 
pGem ds DNA sequenced with universal primer, i.e. the sequencing 
control in the Prism dye terminator kit on every gel and with this gel 
mix we routinely generate 430-450 bases with 98.5% accuracy. Some of 
our facility users generate more than 500 bases of good data, so we 
are quite happy with the product. The convenience certainly is a 
factor too.
Hope this is of some help,
Jenny Cassady.

Jennifer Cassady 
DNA Sequence and Analysis Facility
The University of Queensland
St. Lucia, Qld. 4072

Ph:  +61-7 3365 4601
Fax: +61-7 3365 4388
email : cassady at biosci.uq.oz.au

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