Read length on ABI 377

Rick Nicholson R.Nicholson at arnie.cfi.unsw.EDU.AU
Mon Jul 29 03:16:58 EST 1996

We are wondering how well other people are doing in obtaining the 
promised read length of 700 bp sequence with the promised accuracy of 
greater than 98.5% using the 48 cm gels on the ABI 377.  Is it 
possible?  If so what are the tricks?
   We actually get better (500-550bp) than promised sequence (450) 
from the short gels but when we switched to the long gels we only get 
the same length of accurate (99%) sequence (500-550).  
Does anyone else bother running the 48 cm gels?
   All comments greatly appreciated.  ABI has been of no help to us in 
Richard C. Nicholson, BSc PhD
Senior Research Fellow
Centre for Immunology
St. Vincent's Hospital
Sydney, Australia 2010					email:R.Nicholson at cfi.unsw.edu.au

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