In article <4vkneq$5vm at>, David Barrass
<Barrass at> wrote:
::A cautionary tale:
::::A recent 377 run gave a good gel, but the first 10 samples were absent
::from the
::analysed data, and the error said File Not Found. The only distinguishing
::feature of these samples was that all the sample names had colons in them.
::Consultation with ABI revealed a bizarre bug, where if the sample name in
::the Sample
::Sheet has a colon in it, the software is unable to recognize it, and the
::CANNOT be recovered!
::The only solution is to rerun the samples with a different name. Future
::Analysis versions will have post-run editable sample sheets, but until
::then, the
::moral is to never put any colons in sample names. You have been
A "fake" run (a couple of minutes...long enough to get a gel file created)
using more appropriate file names can serve as a "template" for ResEdit.
Cut and paste the four resources that start with SS (don't have a file
handy, so I can't recall what the exact names are...the SS is symbolic of
Sample Sheet) out of the "fake" gel file and into the gel file with your
data. Save, re-extract.
Total recovery time...about 5 minutes.
"People are DNA's way of making more DNA."(Edward O. Wilson, 1975)
\ / \ \ / \ \ / \ \ / George Mayhew \ / \ \ / \ \ / \ \
\ /\ \ /\ \ E. coli Genome Sequencing Project \ /\ \ /\ \
\/ \__\/ \__\mayhew at midgaard.genetics.wisc.edu__\/ \__\/ \__\