spacing ???

Sensational Gravity Boy ed at bio02.bio.uottawa.ca
Wed Aug 28 15:37:22 EST 1996

Hi all, sorry if this appears twice, but I don't know if my first post is 
lost in the lines. Here is my problem.

We ran a gel last night (on a 373) and although the gel file looks fine, 
the samples have a spacing of -12 !!!  yes, minus 12. As a result, the 
chromatograms look horrid and there are stacked bases that are
not been called, and essentially the 30 samples we ran are a total waste.
Again, on looking at the gel file, everything looked normal so we're a 
bit shocked. Has this happend to anyone before ?  we were using a new 
batch of polyacrylamide, but I doubt this would be the cause of the 
problem. Is it an analysis problem ? Is there a way to extract useful 
data from what appears to be a fine looking gel ? Anyone ever have such a 
weird spacing ? We've had problems before, but due to buffer problems, 
and these led to strange spacing calls, but the batch of buffer used on last 
night's gel has been performing well. We're puzzled and bewildered.

thanks for any and all ideas.

Ed Taboada
Dept of Biology
University of Ottawa
Ottawa, Canada

PS. please hurry !!! :)  we're going to run a gel with 4 samples that 
have sequenced well before as a test. But we'd hate to destroy a gelfile 
that may have had analyzeable data (the space left on the hard drive of 
the said computer would not allow us to keep both gel files).

thanks again.

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