help for mtDNA seq.

Luc Simon lsimon at rsvs.ulaval.ca
Wed Aug 14 07:03:40 EST 1996

Dear fellow sequencers,

We have to sequence for a researcher a region of about 600 bp corresponding
to the D-Loop of human mitochondrial DNA from many samples.

So far we used DyeDeoxy terminator with Taq FS and could obtain nice
results on the "light strand" using primers specified by the researcher.
Unfortunately, we cannot get any useful sequence on the other strand using
3 primers reported to work in manual sequencing protocols.

Can anyone suggest primers or protocol modification that could work on the
"heavy strand" of human mtDNA. We need to use the ABI 373, and the region
of interest is the D-Loop (position 15980 to about 16500).

Thanks in advance for any advice,

Luc Simon

Coordonnateur des services scientifiques
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