another 373 for sale

John Sims sims at immunex.com
Tue Aug 13 02:40:33 EST 1996


I'll join the crowd....We also have a used 373 for sale.  It's been 
inactive for about 7 months, since we got a 377 to replace it, but 
until that time was in regular service and had been serviced 
regularly, and gave excellent sequences.  It does have the 5 filter 
wheel upgrade.  It does not have the stretch upgrade.  I'm not sure 
what the going rate is, but we'd like to get some money for it rather 
than have it sit in the basement so I'm sure we'll be competitive.  
Hoping somebody out there is interested, 

John Sims
Immunex Corporation
51 University Street
Seattle, WA 98101
sims at immunex.com

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