Hi Macky
It sounds like you are experiencing the same problem I did with a lost gel
file. After a long talk with a technical support person I found that the
problem was due to making a gel which was less than 4.0%. This caused
the DNA to migrate very fast, plus I was using the 48cm plates, so the
machine was collecting too much data and it crashed. Apparently there is
a cap on how much data the software can collect in one run.
I did finally get the gel file icon to open, but only after first opening
the file in the genescan application. Then I analyzed each lane with the
sample file queue. I got reads of 1050 bases(accurate up to 850) because
there were so many data points collected. You can also try GelDoc to
rebuild your gel image
As far as the 377 XL Upgrade available this fall for Genescan and Sequencing,
I think that the cost is $15,000 and includes service, combs, new version
of collection and analysis software.
Good Luck!
Amy Tucker e-mail: 1865atuck at umbsky.cc.umb.edu
Department of Biology Phone: (617) 287-6643
University of Massachusetts, Boston fax: (617) 287-6643
100 Morrissey Blvd
Boston MA 02125