ANNOUNCE: EU Advanced Workshop in Biotechnology - DNA Sequencing: =

Rainer Saffrich saffrich at embl-heidelberg.de
Thu Aug 1 07:05:38 EST 1996

EU Advanced Workshop in Biotechnology

DNA Sequencing:=20
Advanced Approaches, Automated Methods and Analysis

European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)
Heidelberg, Germany
November  13 - 23,  1996

W. Ansorge, H. Voss, J. Zimmermann, C. Schwager

Speakers and Instructors:
W. Ansorge (EMBL), V. Benes (EMBL), M. Berks (Cambridge), C. Cantor
(Boston), B. Canard (Nice), G. Casari (EMBL), R. Eritja (EMBL),=20
J. Gebert (Heidelberg), J. Hoheisel (Heidelberg),
M. Jones (Cambridge), T. Kristensen (Oslo),=20
U. Landegren (Uppsala), S. Oliver (Manchester), S. P=E4=E4bo (M=FCnchen),=
H.K. Schackert (Dresden), M. Uhlen (Stockholm), C. Schwager (EMBL),
 H. Voss (EMBL), S. Wiemann (Heidelberg), J. Zimmermann (EMBL).

The objective of the course is to teach main aspects of DNA sequencing
and to show the participants how to carry out DNA sequencing in the
framework of their own research projects. The latest methods,
strategies and applications will be discussed and extensively
practised or demonstrated in the laboratory. Lectures and seminars
will complete the program of the course. The course is intended mainly
for Ph.D. students and postdoctoral scientists. The selection of=20
participants will be on the basis of their scientific background and
the importance of the course techniques for their own research.

Practical laboratory course program includes:

  Random and directed cloning strategies
  Preparation of template DNA
  Labelling techniques
  Cycle sequencing
  Comparison of sequencing enzymes
  Automation and robotics
  Computer assembly and sequence analysis

There will be lectures on special topics from invited speakers,
blackboard sessions for the practicals and demonstrations and
presentations of the participants about their own field of interest
and research. The course consists of about 75% practical work and 25%
lectures and seminars.

For application to the course no forms are necessary, to apply please
send only a formal letter including a short c.v., a statement about
your current research and a list of recent publications to:

Dr. W. Ansorge
Meyerhofstrasse 1
D-69117 Heidelberg

Telephone:=09+49-6221-387355 or +49-6221-387574
e-mail: =09=09ansorge at embl-heidelberg.de or voss at embl-heidelberg.de

Deadline for applications is September 15th, 1996.

Applications are invited from EU countries. A limited number of grants
for travel and accommodation is available for participants. The number
of participants is limited to 25.=20
For further information and questions about the course please contact=20
us again.

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