University of Newcastle upon Tyne Facility for Molecular Biology
Quotation for DNA sequencing
We offer DNA sequencing services to both internal and external users.
Starting from your prepared template we will perform sequencing
reactions using ABI reagents, run samples, analyse results and return
them to you in a format of your choice.
All sequencing reactions will be performed on an ABI Catalyst Turbo 800
robot with the customers' choice of chemistry (Dye primer or dye
Reactions will be analysed on either an ABI373A or 377 instrument.
At present, with the Catalyst Turbo and the 373 installed we are
analysing 180 samples per week (5 runs of 36 lanes). Our 377 is
scheduled for installation on 13-14 May and will more than double our
sample-handling capacity.
For a complete service including all reagents (with the exception of
custom-designed primers) our charges are stlg16.00 per reaction.
30 April 1996
Austin Diamond
Facility Manager
Tel. 0191 222 8612
Fax. 0191 222 8129
Email: austin.diamond at