Hi all,
I've fairly recently joined this group and have come
in towards the end of a discussion of different pre-mixed
gels. I wonder if some kind soul could give me any details
of Longranger gels, suppliers, recipes, run conditions etc.
I got the impression that this seems to be a promising
I've recently tried National Diagnostics Sequagel pre-
mixes, both 4% and Sequagel XR, on my stretch 373. Both
seem to give fairly high background fluorescence and as the
template I get generally gives low intensity peaks, I get
poor basecalling. The data is OK making my own gels
from Sigma 40% ( 19:1 ) stock.
Has anyone else tried these Sequagel products?
Thanks for any help.
Ken Taylor.
Scottish Crop Research Institute, Invergowrie, Dundee.