abi autosequencing problems

John E. Fox altabios at bham.ac.uk
Fri Apr 19 09:37:44 EST 1996

In article <4kfm4f$q4r at net.bio.net>, Karen Lynn Hershberger <khershbe at ezinfo.ucs.indiana.edu> says:
>Hi All!
>After 3 months of no problems, I have two sets of ABI 36 inch  plates that 

We are experiencing similar problems with a green background.
It started with the new Prism FS kit as far as we can judge. As well
as the green gel file, the plates are obviously 'oily' and it is 
very hard to pour the gels.
It is largely solved by washing with 1MNaOH on a daily basis and washing
till the oilyness has gone. May take several goes to get it all off.

John Fox

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