Buying an Automatic Sequencer

Francisco M. De La Vega fvega at gene.cinvestav.mx
Thu Apr 18 04:28:49 EST 1996

Dear all,

At our Department we are considering buying an ABI Prism 310 Genetic
Analyzer (i.e. autosequencer).

I would like to know if someone have had experiences with this 
equipment, either good or bad. How much maintenance is required, and
which parts are more prone to fail. Its opperation is cost/effective?
Are you tied to the manufacturer for reagents?

Also I would appreciate if you can give us your advice on wheter it is
a good idea to by this kind of machine for a 16 professor Molecular
Biology Department that in the past has only sequenced about 10K bases
per year and is not involved in any special sequencing project. I
think at most (with this new equippment) we will be sequencing about 
25 kbases/yr. Is buying this machine advisable, or is more cost
effective just to do it by hand. We are not too much pressed by having
sequences the same day instead of making a regular gel and wait
for the next day.

Any help will be most appreciated. Thank you in advance!


	Francisco M. De La Vega				Fax:(525)747-7100
	Assistant Professor				Tel:(525)747-7000
	Dept. of Genetics and Molecular Biology			ext. 5355
	CINVESTAV-IPN, A.P. 14-740,			E-Mail: 
	Mexico D.F. 07000, Mexico			fvega at gene.cinvestav.mx

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