377 heat-exchange plate problem

Eugen C. Buehler buehler+ at pitt.edu
Tue Apr 9 11:33:21 EST 1996

   Recently, my ABI 377 automated sequencer has been having problems
related to water circulation through its heat exchange plates.  The water
pump slows and eventually stops at some point during my runs.  My service
rep says its a blockage in either the front or back plate.  He suggested
running anit-freeze through to clear out the blockage, but so far this
hasn't worked.  Has anyone else had a similar problem?  I'm supposed to
get a service call on Monday, but PI's are already begining to complain
about waiting for results, so any ideas about how to solve the problem now
would be greatly appreciated.

Eugen Buehler
University of Pittsburgh

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