I've just noticed that the peptide viewer (blixem?) in xace (4.7l)
handles BLASTX and BLASTP homologies but won't handle a TBLASTN homology.
This seems to be due to the view control only allowing a set number of
columns (the view control display box does seem to allow for a 'Homol'
column but I couldn't seem to get this to display anything).
Is there anyway around this or will there be support for TBLASTN
homologies in 4.8??? I can read these homologies in as BLASTX homologies
to get them to display but this would be a little misleading to anybody
using our database.
~ Keith Bradnam - Developer, Arabidopsis Genome Resource (AGR)
~ Nottingham Arabidopsis Stock Centre - http://nasc.nott.ac.uk/
~ University Park, University of Nottingham, NG7 2RD, UK
~ Tel: (0115) 951 3091