[Yeast] Postdoc positions available

Rich Maraia via yeast%40net.bio.net (by maraiar from exchange.nih.gov)
Thu Sep 18 08:23:54 EST 2008

TWO Postdoctoral Fellowship Positions available
Biology of RNA Metabolism in Eukaryotes
National Institutes of Health (NIH), Bethesda, Maryland

The Fellows will investigate molecular mechanisms involved in RNA 
metabolism (this may include links between transcription, RNA 
processing, nuclear transport, and translation).  Fission yeast serve 
as a model system to study human as well as yeast factors.  We also 
use in vitro biochemistry, mammalian tissue culture and genetically 
altered mice.  Laboratory approaches integrate cell biology, 
molecular biology, genetics, biochemistry and structural biology. 

As an applicant, you should submit a cover letter that details your 
specific interest in the specific research areas described above and 
as reflected by the publications from the Maraia lab (search  PubMed 
for "maraia r*".  Candidates must hold a Ph.D. or M.D. and have less 
than 5 years postdoctoral experience.  Expertise in molecular 
biology, genetics and/or biochemistry is required, as are strong 
letters of personal recommendation.  The successful candidate will 
confer regularly with the principal investigator but must incorporate 
self-directed research, excellent technical, presentation, and 
communication skills as essential parts of the job.   

Send your cover letter, C.V., and the names of three references with 
their email addresses and telephone numbers by Email to:
Richard J. Maraia, M.D.
Email: maraiar from mail.nih.gov
31 Center Dr., Room 2A25
Bethesda, MD 20892-2426
Richard J. Maraia, M.D.
Captain, US Public Health Service, Commissioned Corps
Chief, Section on Molecular and Cell Biology
Intramural Research Program
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
National Institutes of Health
31 Center Dr., Rm 2A25
Bethesda, MD 20892-2426

Phone: 301 402-3567
Fax: 301 480-6863
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