looking for a pair protein with very strong interaction as

Martin Hirst hirst at interomex.com
Wed Feb 18 15:49:20 EST 2004

In our hands TGFb-R1 / FKBP12 is a strong interaction.

On 2/18/04 11:32 AM, "Haojiang Luan" <hjasdasd at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hi, dear all,
> I am looking for a pair protein with very strong interaction as
> assayed by yeast two hybrid. The best pair will be like this: the
> activity of the splitted Gal4 transcriptional activity will be
> similiar to (or stronger than, if it's available) the intact Gal4
> transcriptional factor. Any suggestion or hint will be highly
> appreciated. Thanks!
> Haojiang Luan
> Bethesda, MD 20892
> Phone: 001-301-451-4437
> email: hjasdasd at yahoo.com

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