Yeast two hybrid

Trent Bosma Trent_member at pathlink.com
Tue Jun 4 14:06:39 EST 2002

Yeast two hybrid  (ProQuest system using ResGen Hela cDNA library)

1.  The majority of my putative interactors contain more than 1 cDNA.  Has 
anyone experienced similar results and found a cure apart from changing 
my bait?  

2.  Has anyone successfully extracted the plasmids out of the controls 
provided with the kit  i.e. what is the antibiotic marker of pPC97?.  I was 
expecting it to be kanamycin as with pPC86 but it doesn’t appear to be so.

Trent J. Bosma PhD.
Bldg. 10/11N222
301 496 7680

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