New Saccharomyces Sequences 07/13/02

SGD Sequences yeast-seq at genome.stanford.edu
Sat Jul 13 20:59:23 EST 2002

====================== New DNA Sequences =======================

AX457129    AX457129     1359bp    linear   PAT      08-JUL-2002
    Sequence 14 from Patent WO0246441.

=========== Updated Sequence Features/Annotations  =============

ISTY1X      V00624 J01385      413bp    linear   PLN      07-JUL-2002
    Left end of transposable element Ty1 (from S. cerevisiae).
    insertion sequence.

ISTY2X      V00625 J01386      937bp    linear   PLN      07-JUL-2002
    Right end of transposable element Ty1 (S. cerevisiae).
    insertion sequence.

SCNUP100    Z15035 S47547     4923bp    linear   PLN      07-JUL-2002
    S.cerevisiae gene for nuclear pore complex protein NUP100 and tRNA-His.
    nuclear pore complex protein; transfer RNA; transfer RNA-His; transposon;
     nuclear pore complex protein NUP100; tRNA-His.

SCRPC34     X63746 S47422     4600bp    linear   PLN      08-JUL-2002
    S.cerevisiae rpc34 and fun34 genes for DNA dependant RNA polymerase c
    DNA-dependent RNA polymerase; DNA-dependent RNA polymerase c(III); fun34
     gene; rpc34 gene; transfer RNA; transfer RNA-Asn; transfer RNA-Pro;
     transposon; transposon delta34; transposon tau34; rpc34; DNA dependent
     RNA polymerase c(III) subunit c34; fun34; tRNA-Asn; tRNA-Pro.

SCSIG112    X07086      340bp    linear   PLN      08-JUL-2002
    Yeast repetitive sigma element sequence 112.
    repetitive sequence; retroposon; sigma element.

SCTY117X    X03840 J01333 K00633 M19542 X02991    11220bp    linear   PLN      08-JUL-2002
    Yeast transposon Ty1-17 and flanking tRNA-Glu 3/Leu 3,LEU2 genes from
     small ring of chromosome III (LEU2 coding for beta-isopropylmalate
    isopropylmalate; 3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase; dehydrogenase;
     tRNA-Glu; tRNA-Leu; LEU 2; beta-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase.

Please note that new sequences take about a week to appear in SGD.  To
obtain any of the yeast GenBank sequences use the NCBI query (Entrez)
e-mail server, query at ncbi.nlm.nih.gov - send the word help and
instructions will be returned.
  World Wide Web links for sequences:
  BLAST & FASTA:  http://genome-www.stanford.edu/Saccharomyces/
 NCBI (GenBank):  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Genbank/GenbankSearch.html
     EBI (EMBL):  http://www.ebi.ac.uk/embl/Access/index.html
           DDBJ:  http://www.ddbj.nig.ac.jp/searches-e.html

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