Funded PhD studentship

Dr David O'Connor daithe at hotmail.com
Mon Sep 10 07:00:56 EST 2001

PhD Studentship in Molecular Oncology: Yeast based screening for novel
Department of Surgery, 5th Floor UCD block, The Royal Liverpool University
Hospital, Liverpool, UK

Pancreatic cancer is one of the most deadly forms of cancer. Surgery is the
only treatment that offers any realistic hope, but in most cases some cancer
cells remain after resection. These cells resist the natural mechanism for
their elimination - apoptosis. This may in part be due to the behaviour of a
chaperone protein Hsp90.

We have developed an assay that enables the identification of proteins that
modify specific apoptosis related functions of Hsp90. It is our hypothesis
that inhibition of the interactions of these proteins with Hsp90 will
provide more specific chemotherapy than blanket  inhibition by agents such
as the benzoquinone ansamycins.
1. To identify novel apoptosis inhibitors that bind to Hsp90.
2. To investigate the effect of different mechanisms of Hsp90 inhibition on
interactions of these proteins with Hsp90.
3. To determine how disruption of these interactions relate to Hsp90
function in yeast.
4. To determine how these proteins influence Hsp90 and apoptosis in
pancreatic cancer cell lines.

A PhD position has been funded by the Association of International Cancer
Research to work on this 3 year project. The position is to start
immediately. If you are interested or would like further information contact
Bill Greenhalf on -44-151 706 4184 or E-mail greenhaf at liv.ac.uk.


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