about YEp367R

Young-Wook Cho ywcho at mirae.kangwon.ac.kr
Thu Nov 2 05:18:40 EST 2000

Dear members,

I'm Young-Wook Cho, a pre-doctoral student at the Department fo
Biochemistry, Kangwon National University.

I'm using several YEp plasmids. However, I don't have the plasmid

I intend to study the regulation of thioltransferase (TTase) gene from
Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Especially, I'm concerned about the
relationship between the regulation of TTase gene and AP1. I want to
construct a derivative of YEp367R containing the upstream of TTase gene
and to transfer it into ¥Äpap strain (h- leu1 ura4 pap1::ura4+).

Could you tell me where I can get the plasmid (YEp367R)?

Thank you in advance.

Sincerely yours,

Young-Wook Cho

Kangwon National University
College of Natural Sciences
Dept. of Biochemistry
Chunchon, 200-701
Korea (ROK)

E-mail : ywcho at mirae.kangwon.ac.kr


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