To prove rigorously that the gene you found by
complementation is the same as the one responsible for the
mutant phenotype, you have to do genetic analysis. This is
quite nicely described in Guthrie and Fink: Guide to yeast
genetics and molecular biology (Methods in enzymology vol.
194) - chapter 14: Cloning genes by complementation. The
reason to do these tests is for example a possible
background mutation in your wildtype that has a synthetic
effect with your mutated gene. Your library plasmid could
then complement either of these two genes.
Ji-Wu Wang wrote:
>> A wild-type copy of a specific gene can complement the growth defect of
> a S. cerevisiae mutant at 37'C. I wonder whether we can say that the
> specific gene is the same as the gene which contains the mutation, if we
> do not carry out a genetic test of location further.
>> --
> Ji-Wu Wang
> Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry
> Chinese Academy of Sciences
> Shanghai
> P.R. China
>> ---
Martin Ligr
Institut fuer Biochemie
Universitaet Stuttgart
Pfaffenwaldring 55
D-70569 Stuttgart
phone: +49-(711)-685-4383
fax: +49-(711)-685-4392
public PGP key at: http://www-ibc.chemie.uni-stuttgart.de/~martin/key.html
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